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What’s The Biggest Mistake That Stock Market Investors Market?
Hello, friends today we will discuss Mistakes in the stock market. What’s The Biggest Mistake That Stock Market Investors Market?
See stock market is a market where small retailers have the biggest losses. They continue to work without any technical strategy, especially in the new Trader excitement. That is why they have to face big losses.
And they think the stock market is a gamble. The stock market can make people poor.
Anyway, we will discuss this topic today, what are the causes of losses in the stock market? And how to protect your money from this Loss.
Biggest Mistake points on Stock Market:-
Incomplete knowledge
Gaining the wrong knowledge about the stock market. You must have heard about the stock market from someone at some point.
It all happens when that person gives you the wrong information.
Especially if all the agents open Demat and trading accounts, they open Demat accounts by showing you various temptations. Which is extremely harmful to you.
Therefore stay away from such agents. You can consult with those who have been working in the stock market for a long time.
Learn about the stock market and the reasons for its success and failure.
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Fake Advisory Company
2. Those who have Demat and trading accounts must know well that the Advisory company will call you for stock market advice.
He will also show you various temptations, dreaming of earning three to five thousand rupees every day.
In exchange for which they demand to take 5 to 7 thousand rupees per month.
There are plenty of people who have fallen into this trap and suffered losses.
Read – What is Advisory Services?

The important reason for Loss in the stock market is to do INTRADAY TRADING. Intraday trading is very scary, 80 – 85% of traders lose money through intraday trading.
What is intraday trading and how it works? Click on this link to know more about why it is harmful.
Read – What is Intraday Trading & how can You Earn from this trading?
Stop Loss
Another reason for losses in the stock market is to stop-loss. If you do not use stop loss, then you are only hitting your own foot. Stop-loss helps reduce the number of your losses. There are many who use or do not use Stop Loss incorrectly.
Read – What Is Stop Loss In Share Market, Place Stop Loss Order, What Is Stop Loss Hunting
Naked Back Testing
The next step is to invest directly in the stock market without back Testing after learning the job. This is very foolish. You need to practice for a few months after learning your job. One thing to keep in mind is that your boss may forgive you if you make a mistake at school or at work.
But there is no forgiveness in the stock market, making a mistake means you have to pay the price.
Multiple Trade or Re-trade
There is another reason behind the loss of the stock market such as excessive greed. Most of the traders are such that they are earning good money in the morning.
But for more greed, they re-traded the shares, at the end of the day it will be seen that in the morning the profit was made and towards the end, the profit went into loss.
Therefore, you have to stop trading like that day with the profit you have made, do not go to trade again and again.
Wrong Portfolio Management
One mistake every trader makes over and over again. Invests the entire amount of shares of the specified company
Especially for those who have been investing money in the stock market for a long time, I would tell them to divide the investment money into at least three to four different companies.
Therefore portfolio management will do you the right thing.
Emotion-less Market
There is no word for Emotion in the stock market.
There are a lot of people who work hard to earn money and invest that money in the stock market. Resulting in more losses. Therefore do not think in the stock market or work in the cold head.
Buying Shares on Credit
It is very risky for new traders, credit means Brokerage or leverage.
If your strategy or technic failed then you have to pay to multiply the amount as a loss.
Read – What is Margin Trading in Share Market: Risks and Advantages?
TV Calls or Tips
There are many people who never do the analysis themselves, take Intraday calls or tips from platform TV channels, telegram groups, WhatsApp groups, etc.
I’ll tell you if you’re doing tips like this, stop today.
Never buy any shares, especially in the words of TV channels. There will be a 100% loss. Always do the analysis yourself.
Some Important Articles
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What is Margin Trading in Share Market: Risks and Advantages
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Stock Market Course
I have been associated with the stock market for the last four years, teaching and training in the and opening Demat & Trading Account. I am currently associated with a Upstox stock Broker company.
However, at present, I have opened my own online training center. This training center will teach you to work in the free share market for three consecutive months. Therefore, those who want to learn how to work in the Share market can contact by calling the mobile number given below or WhatsApp. To do this course, you have to be 23 years old, educational qualifications, and a mobile number associated with the Aadhaar card.
Therefore those who are interested can contact anytime.
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Last Word
I hope you like my article What’s The Biggest Mistake That Stock Market Investors Market? your knowledge has increased a lot. If I have made a mistake in this article or if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in the comments box and I will try to answer your question as soon as possible.