MACD Full Form, MACD Indicator How To Use, MACD Crossover Screener
Hello, Friends today we will discuss MACD. MACD Full Form, MACD Indicator How To Use, MACD Crossover Screener.
MACD is one of the Leading Technical Indicator. We have already discussed the difference between Leading & lagging Indicators. MACD Indicator Help you to predict Any Stock’s Next Movement. Stock will gain or fall.
A lagging indicator is an indicator that works well over a long period of time and when a stock’s trend changes completely and tries to give us a confirmation signal. Then he is called a lagging indicator.
And MACD is one of them.
Moving average convergence divergence (MACD). Short for moving average convergence/divergence.
Created by Gerald Appel in the late 1970s.
On MACD Indicator have a 2 type of line Red & black color.
The red color line is a symbol of the Bearish Trend.
Black or Green color is a symbol of Bullish Trend.
If the black color line cross over the red color line (the upside to the downside)that means the stock trend becomes bearish. In that case, stock candle movement will downside.
If the black color line cross over the red color (the downside to the upside) that means the stock trend becomes bullish. In that case, stock candle movement will Upside.
Below I have posted Bearish & bullish Cross Over Images for understanding.
1] MACD on large time frames works well. Such as 30 min, 1hour, or 1 day.
2] MACD works well if you are trading swing or positional.
3] The MACD signals us a little late, that is when the stock is completely changing its trend and confirms to us that the stock will rise or fall.
4] Use Multiple Indicators with MACD to confirm the Result. Like Super trend or EMA.
Use MACD crossover screener like Chartink, top stock research Website.
Most traders are using different types of strategies; in this case, Chartink Website is very useful.
Just add parameters & scan.
Paid & free versions are available; Paid version will work on the live market & the free version working 5 min delay.
I have briefly explained how to use Chart ink in this Article. Read here…………….
Below I have updated some popular pre-ready scanner Strategies wise, just click & check it now.
MACD crossover screener (Chartink top stock research)
MACD crossover screener (Chartink Website)
MACD histogram is an advanced feature of MACD.
It’s looking like a historical bar. 2 types of bar Red & green. When the green color bar increases that means the stock trend becomes bullish. If Red color bar increases that means the stock trends become bearish.
Below I have posted Bearish & bullish Histogram Images for understanding.
MACD + Super Trend Combination
If on the live trading market any stock does cross means -MACD crossover + Super Trend crossover on the upside at the same time, that stock is ideal for Intraday trading & also Positional trading.
Remember in that case use time frame will be 15-30 min candles.
If any stock after a long time (minimum 6 months) creates MACD crossover bullish and also stock cross 20 EMA. Guys that Position is the Golden Crossover for this stock. Through a screener, you can find this stock.
After all, MACD is one of the Useful Indicators. You Must try.
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