Hello, Friend today I will discuss how to get Fino Payment Bank CSP or Fino Bank Mitra
1st we will Know what is CSP.
CSP – Customer Service Point of Banking Sector.
Finobank is one of the popular Private Financial companies in India. So today we will discuss briefly Finobank company.
Fino Bank Logo or Fino Bank Banner
Fino is a private company that launched a banking system on 4th April 2017 with the name Fino Payments Bank Limited. In 2006 they set up as a Payments Technology Company & in 2014 they launched a Domestic Money Transfer Company.
More than 410 Fino Bank Branches & 25000 live sub-branches of the Partner Fino Bank are available in India.
We know 2 types of banking systems available in India.
Private bank – ICICI, AXIS, HDFC Etc
Gov.t Bank – SBI, BOI, PNB, UBI Etc
Now some private companies are launching their own banking system like PAYTM – PAYTM PAYMENT BANK
AIRTEL PAYMENT BANK, Fino Bank Payment, etc.
Through Payment bank you can open virtual savings bank account, provides Bank account No, ISFC Code, monthly & yearly interest, etc. Like a full Govt. bank facilities.
Now Fino Payment Bank CSP provides us lots of facilities through his banking system.
Now I will more describe CSP. In easy language, CSP is the Sub-branch of the Main bank branch. First you have a done Fino Bank Registration.
Mini Branch- sub-branch -CSP all are same. And Main branches give full authority to his CSP for transactions like bank account opening, Money deposit & withdrawal, transfer, etc.
Now Question is that how can you get a Fino Savings Bank account.
Easily you have to search the nearest location Fino Bank CSP, you can contact them & open a Bank Account.
Below I have shared with you the Fino Bank CSP search link –
To open a bank account or Fino Bank Partner give a Missed 7836878368
Also you can apply for Fino Bank Job.
Now we will discuss how Fino Bank Csp Apply our main topic.
Through Fino Payment Bank CSP you can earn lots of money because they provide commissions on every transaction.
Actually, Fino Bank CSP gives 2 different services.
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WhatsApp No – 8392091411
Through Domestic Money Transfers you can transfer money to any location bank & any bank, any amount within a second.
In simple language, Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) is money withdrawal through fingerprint. Also, you have to buy a fingerprint scanner for this service.
For more Info on Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) click me.
Cash at Point of Sale(POS)
POS machine – Mini ATM
Through Mini ATM you can withdraw money from a customer bank account (using customer ATM). There you can get 8-10Rs Commission on above 3000/- withdrawal money.
And other services like recharge, bill payment is very easy, after getting the CSP ID you will get detailed services using instructions.
Yet lots of private popular companies are providing this type of CSP, SPICY MONEY with high commission.
Also, CSC provides a Banking service through Dig pay.
I have shared the Online Appling link below – just fill-up & Submit. You will receive a call from Finobank within few Hours. They will provide you – Fino Bank Merchant Login Deatais
Apply for Fino Payment Bank CSP
Important Topic
If you have no idea how to earn from CSP & cyber cafe
then you can Subscribe to our Combo Course – Start Your Own Cyber Cafe
I hope you like my article Fino Payment Bank CSP | Fino Bank IFSC Code and your knowledge has increased it a lot. And that helps to stand Fino Bank Career. If I have made a mistake in this article or if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in the comments box and I will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
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