Hello friends, today we will discuss How To Earn a Daily 5% Profit From Upper Circuit And Lower Circuit Stocks?
Different people have different ways of working in the stock market. But no method ever works 100%. You need to change the way you trade over time.
Whether the market is the upward or downward or FLAT market. You have to follow different methods according to the market situation.
However, today we will discuss a method where there is no obligation to move the stock with the fluctuations of the market.
And since the shares are small caps, the operator manipulates them the most. Manipulation creates Pump & Dump situations.
Pump & Dump Technical means when a share price suddenly rises several times faster and after a few days the share price starts declining again and reaches the previous price.
When an operator starts to increase the share price suddenly, that method is called Pump.
Again, when the share price falls sharply, it is called a dump.
However, in the next article, we will discuss the Dump & Pump method in detail.
Point No 2 – BSE & NSE Stock
In particular, there are many stocks in the BSE Stock that fluctuate up to 3-5% every day. It has no special dealings with Nifty and Sensex.
The specialty of these stocks is that when these stocks start to rise, they continue to rise continuously for 7 days, 15 days, 30 days, or more.
And the number of shares growing every day is 3-5 percent.
If you can only hold shares for 10 days, you can earn 10 * 5 = 50% profit in 10 days.
Note that the 5% movement in the stock is mostly due to the upper circuit Stocks.
You cannot buy shares if the upper circuit touches that particular share as soon as the stock market opens. So you have to be aware when that stock is moving normally.
Again, there are some stocks whose share price has been falling continuously for 7 days to 30 days or more. Every day three to five percent of the price continues to fall.
In fact, there seems to be a continuous lower circuit between them.
Click on the link below to know more about Upper Circuit and Lower Circuit.
we can use this Upper Circuit or Lower Circuit stocks to get 5 percent profit per day.
In fact, when the price of BSE shares starts falling, most of the shares fall by 70-80%.
From that moment you can start investing.
As the share price for Hekin Ashi Candle starts to rise for you, then continuous green Candle starts to form.
Again, when the red candle is formed and the share price continues to fall, a continuous red candle is formed.
This Hekhin Ashi candle you need to use.
Using this candle, you will see that since the share price has started falling, but since then, one red candle has been made every day.
You will have to wait until the first green candle is made after reading 70 to 80 percent of the share price, the day you have to invest the money.
And according to the rules of Hekin Ashi candle, you can buy share from the first or second green candle. You can make three to five percent profit every day.
If you can take 5% profit for 10 consecutive days, you can get 50% profit very easily.
Click on the link below to know more about Hekin Ashi.
A very simple rule is that if you are buying shares with the first or second green candle, you have to sell only when the first red candle is made.
You do not need to follow any other procedure.
Do not buy shares in such stocks without stop loss.
You must use Stop Loss.
There are many times when the first green candle is made after a continuous share price fall. As a rule, you buy the stock, but after two or three green candle towers the share price starts to fall.
In that case, don’t wait any longer, as soon as you see the red candle, you have to sell it out, no matter how much profit or loss you have.
The maximum you will lose is 5%, don’t go for more than that.
I request you to observe stop loss very seriously.
In fact, it depends entirely on your investment.
Suppose you want to invest Rs. 50,000 / – in such shares, then you have to choose at least three to four different company shares. And you have to invest by dividing each share equally.
Below I have some shared screener details though.
Continuous Upper / Lower Circuit Stock List
If you think this method is working successfully then surely you can work.
If you do not have much experience in the stock market. And if you want to learn the workings of the stock market. Then you take us to the share-market technical course
(Intraday Trading Course) can be admitted.
You can learn all the work of the stock market for only Rs. 799 / – and you can earn good money every month from the stock market.
WhatsApp number – 8392091411
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