Open Cinema-Hall-In-India
Friends today we will discuss How To Open A Cinema Hall In India on Low Budget?
Cinema Hall – is one of the most expensive & Profitable Business. Specially on town location. Sometimes we think if I have a Cinema Hall!!. Seriously What is Interesting. So I will explain everything About Cinema Hall.
What are the rules to follow when opening a cinema hall?
How much money can be spent and how much money can be earned if it is reopened.
Of course cinema is a business from which you can earn good money forever. But before that you have a lot of things.
No Objection Certificate (NOC) – Then there is the need for a license to do any business.
The place where you want to open a cinema hall has a design or Blue Print of that place, this design you will get from the municipality near you, you need to contact those who are in this department.
The second is that you need to get the NOC certificate. You need to get this certificate from different departments.
This population will get you towards the city.
If the population is small you will not get customers, and you are more likely to incur losses.
All these papers need to be collected.
Here’s a few basic facts about a stomp pad and how it is used. Now the question is what will you get the movie in hand.
You can’t show the audience anything if you don’t get the movie. So when it comes to buying movies, you need to talk to distributors. Distributors can get hard copy of certain movies in exchange for some advance money.
Again many times the distributor shows the movie via satellite.
Buying a movie rate copy can cost millions of Money.
This business requires a lot of fast time investment, you can run this business at very low cost of lifetime.
125 seats.
The price of a seat is 200, you have 125 visitors according to your multiplex.
Total profit 125 * 200=25000/- Per Show
You can play five to six movies Show every day.
If for some reason the movie flops, then your big books may be on. Therefore the movie has to take the movie from the distributor depending on the story performance.
Many times the problem between the distributor and the owner of the cinema hall is the lack of money. There are many high budget films where movie owners have to invest a lot of money.
I hope you like my article “ How To Open A Cinema Hall In India on Low Budget” your knowledge has increased a lot. If I have made a mistake in this article or if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in the comments box and I will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
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