Installation Failed, Destination Folder Already Exists
Hello friends, those of you who have created your own website in WordPress have encountered this type of problem from time to time – Installation Failed, Destination Folder Already Exists.
For almost every task in WordPress, you have to use plugin deployment. Plugins are used to compress images, increase website speed, attract page styles, and more.
In a word, it cannot be used without the WordPress plugin. Now suppose you want to use a specific important plugin. But whenever you try to install plugins, the installation or activation fails.
That’s why we can’t go to work.
We have never had such problems. There are a number of reasons why a particular plugin installation may fail.
These are the main reasons.
Suppose you want to install the Yoast SEO plugin.
But for some reason, the installation seems to be dropping.
Then go to the right side and search WordPress Seo.
If you have a folder named Yoast, back it up. And delete the entire WordPress-SEO folder.
Now refresh the entire admin panel and install again the yeast SEO plugin. I hope your problem will be solved.
I hope you like my article “Installation Failed, Destination Folder Already Exists -How to Solve?” your knowledge has increased a lot. If I have made a mistake in this article or if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in the comments box and I will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
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